
Good quality SEO content plays a pivotal role in digital marketing. Millions of marketers worldwide realized the importance of  creating high-quality contents for their users. They also believed that amplifying them through social media is of great help in reaching out to their target market. Hence, it is critical to rank and amplifies content to ensure success in the digital world.


Prioritizing SEO Content

Gone are the days when the only thing you need to consider in ranking your site is creating relevant contents. Today, Google is looking for contents that are both relevant and useful to the online users.


Prioritizing Content

SEO experts stated that when you rank contents, you need to base them by your intent and striking distance. You also need to consider the search volume and conversation metrics. It is also advisable to remove branded and low search volume keywords to achieve accurate results.

Examining Your Goals

SEO experts also suggest examining your SEO plans, web analytics, and ranking tools in driving incremental traffic. You can start striking distance keywords that rank on the second page of major search engines. Move these striking distance keywords from the second page to the first page. Achieving such is of great help in driving incremental revenue and traffic.

Evaluating Existing Contents and Determining Gaps

In your quest for prioritizing content, it is also critical to conduct a gap analysis. Review the existing contents and segments based on intent and determine where the gaps exist.  After which, identify the areas where you need to create relevant and useful contents that could fill in those identified gaps.

Knowing the Competitors

In business, knowing and understanding the marketing strategies of your competitors is a must.  Get to know the competitors better. You can use SEMrush as a tool in determining which keywords of your competitors are ranking for. Try also to identify their visibility and the areas where they are not present in your target market’s online journey. Use their absence to your advantage.  Create high-quality contents to those areas where your competitors are not present.

Listening to Customers

Social listening is also one of the best ways in creating good quality content for your target market. To listen to the target consumers and to identify their social influences can impact site visits and engagements.

Listening to customers will not only provide you a detailed review of your social media landscape and competitive advantage. It can also provide you key social trends happening worldwide. Thereby, helping you to get effective content strategies through these trends.


Promoting SEO Content

After prioritizing content, it is now time to promote them. Reach a wider range of target market through social and paid amplifications. Promoting SEO content is an effective way of increasing brand awareness and in generating more traffic to your site.


Social Amplification

Considering the high competition in the digital world, it is critical to creating strong and engaging contents. High-quality and engaging contents are more likely to be shared by online users to different social media sites. The amplified contents can be a “game changer” for the exposure of contents.  Amplified contents can build brand authority and increases social signals. Social amplification is also of great help in increasing search engine optimization and  brand awareness.

Paid Amplification

Another way of promoting your content is through paid amplification. It is the process of paying a specific amount to get your contents featured on social media sites and websites. Paid amplification is a cheap SEO marketing strategy. Still, its effectiveness in driving traffic to your site and generating more revenues are already proven.  

Thus, prioritizing contents are pivotal for every SEO marketing campaign. Aside from generating traffic and revenues, SEOs must also focus on creating good quality contents.  These are contents that are relevant and useful to our intended users.