How to Index Your New Content Instantly in Google SERP

If you’re baffled on how to index your new published content instantly in Google SERP, this article will walk you through a very simple process. First things first, we will define some common terminologies that will be included in the whole process.

  Google Indexing

Google indexing is the process of listing the content and information of your website’s web pages in Google system. It’s similar to a library index which lists all current books information. However, Google uses the site’s web pages to provide users with related search terms.

  Google Crawlers

Google crawler is a program built by Google to scan and discover the information of website web pages from one page to another. The main Google web search crawler is called Googlebot. Each website should have a specified user agent string that instructs user agent tokens (Google Crawlers) as to which pages users desire to be crawled.

Here is the list of Google crawlers with corresponding user agent tokens.

Image source from Google Support

Google SERP

SERP is the acronym for Search Engine Results Page. It’s a list of website web pages that served related searches of terms to users using Google Search. When the user enters a word or keyword in the Google search box, SERP provides the most related to it or exactly what the users intended to search for.

  To learn more visit What is SEO.

Getting Started With The Process

The first procedure requires proper on-site setup. This will help speed up the indexing process. Google can easily discover your website content once you have configured properly what is indicated on the list below. Verifying your website ownership to Google Search Console In verifying your account to Google Search Console, you need to register your website at https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools using a Gmail account. Once you’ve submitted your site, it will provide you more in-depth data analysis for your website e.g. crawling rate, search analytics for the last 28 days, search appearance, Google indexing statistics, crawling rate statistics and other resources Adding Google analytics codes Google Analytics is one of the best free tools that Google provides to all webmasters. Tracking your website data helps you build more in-depth marketing analysis.  These are the features that you’ll get inside Google Analytics.
  1. Dashboards
  2. Shortcuts
  3. Intelligence Events
  4. Real-time Website Tracking
  5. Type of Audiences
  6. Acquisition
  7. Behavior
  8. Conversions
Steps in getting your website Google Analytics code and the implementation: Step 1: Browse to https://analytics.google.com Step 2: Login to your Gmail account Step 3: Navigate to the ADMIN tab Step 4: Hover to “Account” Step 5: Click on “Create New Account” Step 6: Fill up your website details Step 7: Once it’s done, click on “Get Tracking ID” Step 8: Add the Analytics snippet code in your website <head> element Adding sitemap.xml Generated sitemap XML files compile all your website internal links so that Google crawlers can easily scan your website information and content. To generate a sitemap, visit https://www.xml-sitemaps.com Adding robots.txt

Robots.txt adds more security to your website by allowing and disallowing pages that have vulnerable information, one example is when a page accesses your customer’s payment information. It’s a file code format that is uploaded inside your website server.

  Sample Robots.txt format for e-commerce website: User-Agent: * Allow: / Disallow: /cart Disallow: /chat Disallow: /free-delivery Disallow: /store Disallow: /flash Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /services Sitemap: Yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml Proper website navigational menus This feature enhances user experience and provides smooth and easy browsing towards your website. Having clear hierarchies of website categories for an e-commerce site will increase its website sales and online traffic. META tags configuration Configuring the exact or what is related to web pages titles and description provides a more useful snippet of information once your website will be listed on Google SERP. It will also avoid website web pages duplication errors which is one of the Google recipes to increase your website rankings. Screaming frog is the best tool to check your meta tags duplication errors. Checking your website speed performance

Website speed does matter. It decreases your website’s bounce rate, which means more users can easily and smoothly browse your website. It avoids user frustration, increases your website product sales and increases your online traffic. Check your website speed here https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/.

URL permalink structure proper mapping Proper content URL mapping can diversify your website’s internal anchor text. Let’s say you’re writing on keyword research topics then you’re about to publish the content, your content permalink structure should have at least a keyword or phrase on it e.g. yourdomain.com/blog/keyword-research-guide. Visit more here: Onpage SEO strategy from scratch.

Content Amplification


It’s a prerequisite to follow the first procedure before jumping on the second procedure. This process provides long-term online SEO marketing success. The second thing you need to do after you’ve published your new content is to work on content amplification. This process will amplify your new content to gain more readers or visitors and will index your content quickly in Google SERP. The amplification of the content can either be owned media, paid media or earned media that is widely shared to different social media channels for your ideal customers.

List of top content amplification sites:
  1. Addthis (http://www.addthis.com/)
  2. Sharethis (http://www.sharethis.com/)
  3. Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/)
  4. Facebook Ads (https://www.facebook.com/business/products/ads)
  5. Promoted Tweets (https://ads.twitter.com/login)
  6. Buffer (https://blog.bufferapp.com/)
  7. MailChimp (https://mailchimp.com/)
  8. Storify (https://storify.com/)
  9. Hootsuite (https://hootsuite.com/)
  10. Outbrain (http://www.outbrain.com/)
  11. Meetedgar (https://meetedgar.com/)
  12. Owly shorten URL (http://ow.ly/url/shorten-url)
  13. Bitly shorten URL (https://bitly.com/)
  14. Google Webmaster Tools Submit URL (https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url)
  15. Bing submit URL (http://www.bing.com/toolbox/submit-site-url)
  16. Facebook personal and niche specified group pages account posting
  17. Reddit Submission (https://www.reddit.com/)
  18. Digg Submission (http://digg.com/)
  19. Google Plus posting (https://plus.google.com)
You’re now ready to get your content index in Google SERP and make your content go viral. If you find this procedure helpful, please like and share and also comment below for your questions and suggestions.
Joel Cortez: Joel Cortez is the Lead SEO at @websavii (www.websavii.com.au). He's also a Writer, SEO/PPC Blogger, Social Media Marketing specialist and a certified Google Adwords expert. Get a FREE SEO/SEM QUOTE from us.

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