6 Deadly Sins of Content Marketing Marketers Should Avoid

Content marketing and search engine optimization are tools in achieving online success. These two must be integrated well to ensure business triumph. Unfortunately, not all marketers fully understand the importance of proper integration of these key concepts.

Following are six of the most common mistakes that businesses make in integrating SEO into their content marketing strategies.

No. 1: Failure to do proper keyword research

Some online marketers believed that keyword search is only for finding great keywords and high search volumes. But keyword search is more than that. Keyword search is not just pivotal in search engine optimization. It is also important in planning effective content strategies and in achieving business goals. Keyword search is significant in raising brand awareness and in establishing effective communication and public relations.

It is sad to note that some marketers and content creators failed to do a proper keyword search. Some rely only on guesswork and random brainstorming in searching for relevant keywords. They also believed that these keywords are good enough. Trond Lyngbo, a marketing columnist, and SEO expert stated that this should not be the case. He suggested that the marketing strategies and keyword search must come from real data.

No. 2: Failure to Test Content Ideas

It’s a wrong move to pursue your content ideas without even testing them. Lyngbo contends that it is best to test out these ideas before pursuing them. You can use different testing tools to help you in predicting ideas and in studying how these would work for others.

Do an extensive research about what kind of content and keywords are more engaging and useful to your target audiences. You can refer to statistics to find out how these contents are shared on different social media sites.

No. 3: Failure to use other keyword research tools and relying much on Google data

Google is the most widely used search engine, and its tools are also of great help for marketers when it comes to finding useful and relevant keywords. Marketers should not rely solely on Google data. Yes, Google tools are useful in keyword research and content marketing, but other search engines can also provide relevant information. Don’t pass the up the opportunity to gain a wider scope of knowledge.

No. 4: Failure to measure performance

Often, some marketers failed to gauge the performance of the content they invested in. This should not be the case. Marketers should find the time to measure their content performance. Lyngbo suggests that marketers know that measuring content performance is a must. But, some don’t know how to do it effectively due to the absence of tools and knowledge. Worse, they opted not to do so because they lack the motivation.

No. 5: Thinking content marketing is enough

High-quality and well-crafted contents are of great help to rank. But, these are not sufficient to achieve business success. Content marketing strategies and search engine optimization must work well together. Combining these two would help in achieving high ranks and in reaching out a wider range of target audience. You can avail of professional SEO services to help you with your marketing and SEO strategies.

No. 6: Failure to Taking Action

It is disappointing that content producers, marketers, and business leaders know everything listed above. But, they opted not to act on their knowledge. Some of them are passive, while others keep posting corrective actions.

Do not wait for massive failure before you take action to your mistakes. Challenge yourself and the entire marketing and SEO team to start making positive changes in your marketing strategies.

Break a leg!

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